Elevator Malfunction
Elevators are one of the safest modes of transportation that there is. However, from time to time they will malfunction due to their sophisticated automatic controls.
The following information provides some basic procedures to follow in the event of a malfunction:
Remain Calm
Use the phone in the elevator car to call for help.
Make noise if there is not a phone available.
Do Not attempt to crawl out of the elevator cab when the doors are open between floors. Remain in the cab or serious injury may result.
Do Not try to force open an elevator door.
The elevator service provider or the Fire Department will secure the elevator and safely remove the trapped individual(s).
The elevators will be recalled to the primary or secondary landing zones in the event of a fire. Do not attempt to use the elevators. They will be out of service to prevent them from being called to the fire floor. Firefighters will be able to take control of the elevators for firefighting operations.